Laurier Thibault
Imagen de Laurier Thibault

Graal Way between San Juan de la Pena and Valencia

I’m a Canadian pligrim who walked different caminos in Spain, ITaly and
I would like to walk from San Juan de la Peña to Valencia and discover the 
Graal way!
Could you give me some  informations and a guide with the steps?
Thank you!
Muchas gracias!

Imagen de Indi

Hello! The Holy Grail Path has its own association:

Much of the route coincides with the Caminos de Santiago (Aragonés, Catalán...) There are areas that do not have accommodation for pilgrims. I recommend you contact the association to obtain the credential (it is very nice) and for useful information.

Very few people still do this route and they are eager for us to go. I will do it one day, God willing.
