Imagen de JM76

Ultima Hora - Fronteira com Portugal Abre dia 22jun

Imagen de JM76

Espanha reabre fronteiras terrestres com Portugal e França a 22 de junho. O anúncio foi feito pela ministra da Indústria, Comércio e Turismo de Espanha, Reyes Maroto.

As fronteiras espanholas foram encerradas pelas autoridades em março, como uma das medidas para conter a pandemia.

Imagen de Rubén86

En lo que a apertura de fronteras terrestres se refiere. Imagino que tanto las marítimas como las aéreas, volverán a tener libre circulación a partir del próximo 1 de Julio. Aunque dada la situación, todo "a salto de mata" y en función de lo que las directrices de las autoridades competentes marquen. Paciencia, todo llega smiley

Imagen de Solitario

De verdad que no entiendo que alguien con un montón de asesores, ministros, etc, digan una cosa y al cabo de un rato se desdigan.

Las cosas se discuten primero en privado, en esas inmensas mesas que tienen, se analizan y luego se hacen públicas. De verdad que no me esperaba esta chapuza continua. Y todo lo han arreglado llamando facha al que discrepa. Menuda decepción.

David Rod
Imagen de David Rod

Son inútiles integrales no hay más.

Imagen de isartrails

Hi from Germany,

do you think it's realistic to cycle from Lisboa to Santiago de Compostela (2 weeks, from 20. june to 4. july)?

Are there accomodations open to access? Will the border be open at end of june?

I can  easily find flights from Germany to Lisboa and others back from Porto to Germany.
But I actually do not find any flight from Santiago d.C. back to Germany.


Do you have any recommendation?

Thank you, gracias, obrigado!

Imagen de Anónimo


I think there is no problem to find open places to sleep in Portugal since 15th june. If you don't find flights to come back from Santiago, you could take a flight from Oporto, only 2 hours or 3 hours by bus from Santiago. It is an option.

Buen Camino

Imagen de isartrails

Thank you. A Bus to Porto is a good idea. But we have 2 bicycles and need to bring them to Porto, too.

Imagen de Anónimo

Then, you should pack both cycles before taking the bus, not very funny but just normal for all the bikers returning home. After the 22nd June, check the flights from Santiago to Germany, I'm sure you will find available flights from that date on. If you don't, try the bus for the last option! Before I forget... spain borders will be open from 1st July for tourists. 

João Caminho
Imagen de João Caminho

Hello, the Spanish Post Office organizes the transportation of bicycles. But you can travel with them on the train. (Santiago-Vigo and Vigo-Porto)

Buen Camino

Imagen de isartrails

I did not understand the rules of transportation in the trains exactly (my spanish is not so well). Is it necessary to pack the bicycles in the train?

Imagen de carapau

Sehr geehrt isartrails

Die Grenze ist geschlossen . Vielleicht am 1. Juli ist geoffnet. 

L.G. , Jose R . 

João Caminho
Imagen de João Caminho
Imagen de isartrails

Thanks. I have seen this service last year already in SdC. This is a good idea. Do you think they are operating even in the corona crisis?